April was a little better than March as I did get my 15 Egyptians done early in the month. The problem is that I have only had 2 free weekends out of the last seven and I sort of lost my interest in painting for a couple of weeks. I am now keen again and the lighter mornings mean I can even do a little before work (got some shading on my next batch of Ruga-Ruga done this morning).
Total for the month was 16:
Egyptian Infantry for the Sudan 15
Elizabethan sea dog 1
So in 17 weeks I have painted 90 figures which drops my average to 5.3 figures a week. I am now 12 figures adrift from where I should be but that isn't impossible to catch up. I have no more painting time until Saturday afternoon as I am off to Ankara and Istanbul tomorrow.
Nice blog. Thats all.