I need to start thinking about what figures to take on holiday this year. I usually take a dozen or so of one type to get on with when I am away.
I really have four choices:
I have some Renegade German WW1 infantry to finish. The advantage of these is that they are about half done and it shouldn't take too long to finish them
I have bought some of Empress Miniatures new Zulu War British and I really want to get on with these but don't have the relevant uniform information: unless I order the Osprey and have it sent to our house on the Isle of Wight.
I have some more GNW Swedes based up and these are nice and quick to paint but I am getting bored with GNW as it is months and months since we had any new figures from Musketeer Miniatures. Just a few Russian infantry would be nice!
I am due to do a Romans v Celts game at Guildford in Spetember but I need more Celts. I have bought a box of Warlord Games plastics so maybe that would be best. The problem with these is that I would need to take a lot more paints.
Tricky. Still not sure. Still got time to think though.
You get to take figures to paint on holiday?! How on earth do you get away with that? I'm very envious, although when I'm on holiday I'm usually not sober enough to be capable of any painting....