Friday, April 24, 2015

Salute Eve

It's Salute eve and while I am excited to be going, this year, because of my ongoing lead reduction strategy, I am not planning to buy very much at all as I DON'T NEED IT!

That said I may have a look out for the following which I am listing just to remind me when I am there as I can look at this post on my phone (how horribly technological of me!).  

Lucid Eye Miniatures (Arcane Scenery) Will there be any left?  There weren't last year!
Footsore Miniatures Franco Prussian War figures (no idea where these will be! No information on the website! Warlord might have some but maybe only Dark Ages)
Artizan North West Frontier (no idea)
Empress Miniatures Indian Mutiny (probably all sold out!) Are they really as small as rumoured?

Now I'm not saying I will buy any of these but I just want to have a look.  Actually, I only bought seven figures last year but then I spent £200 on books and scenery (none of which I have either read or built).  

I wanted to have a look at the new Frostgrave rules (TC7 and TD 5) but so far I haven't been overwhelmed by the figures (TL13), despite them being sculpted by some of my favourite sculptors.  Partly it's because some of them are rather lacking in animation and partly it's because I don't like the colour schemes on the painted examples I have seen so far (easily remedied but if Kevin Dallimore can't make them look appealing who can?) It's odd because when I first saw the IHMN and North Star pirates figures I wanted them all. Perhaps I should be able to resist after all!

I will go to the bloggers meet up at 13.00 and hope I know someone!  It's quite intimidating for an outsider like me!

I need to remember my glasses (or I can't read the floor plan) and to wear trainers (or my knees will give out).  I have lots of space on my camera and it is all charged up!


  1. "DON"T NEED IT"? - that's just plain crazy talk

    Enjoy the show. I need to time my London trips better and arrive for Salute!

  2. Fuuny you should say that about the Frostgrave minis but I feel exactly the same. Just not keen on the styles or poses overall. I'll be interested in seeing the Nickstarter but so far I'm thinking I'll source my wizards fact, I splashed out on the Saga Revenants army, the Necromancer is brilliant and will do nicely for Frostgrave, though a tad underdressed for the climate, perhaps! Anyway, good luck with the not buying stuff!

  3. See you there! Im at the far end, just to the right of the seating area.

  4. See you at the blogger-meet up!!! Trainers are a must and plenty of painkillers before you leave home!!!

  5. Hope to see you at the meet-up :)

    As for not needing figures, since when has "need" ever come into the equation? ;)

  6. Have a great day and make certain you buy something you never intended to! You know logic has no place in a wargamer's shopping list.

  7. Envious of you going...have a great time! One of these years I'll make it.

  8. Looking forward to seeing the updates from all of you. Wow - sounds like these forays are search & "destroy" missions for you :) You made me smile when you said you haven't read the books or painted the figures you collected the last time.
