Got virtually nothing painted today; too many jobs to do. It looks like I'm not going to finish any figures at all this week and I am in Denmark and Finland the rest of the week.
While I work through the Sudan units I have been wondering about a few figures to distract me and have been thinking about pirates. I painted a few of the Foundry ones last year (see above) and have even played a couple of games at Guildford with them. What with the last Pirates of the Caribbean film coming out and the new pirate extension to the Gloire rules, as well as the recent new Artizan and Crusader figures, maybe it's time to paint a few more and think about that Gary Chalk pirate ship I have all the materials for.
Brigade Games have some lovely new 17th Century pirates too and are promising, hooray, local colonial garrison figures too. This could really tip me over the edge and maybe I will have to start work on that pirate town..
Those are very nice indeed. Lots of character in the faces and an excellent monkey. Aldo very gvood news about Brigade Games - we could do with a decent colonial garrison range, which will probably have all kinds of uses.