I have bought a couple of the big Warhammer sets (Battle of Skull Pass and the Dwarf army) as I think my son will enjoy it but have only painted four figures so far. They are nice and I do like them so I won't be eBaying them yet. I can always add a few to the next batch of Dark Age figures I paint. The palette is similar.

I really like the Perries' Lord of the Rings figures, though, and I have painted enough dwarves for a Battle company. I have just bought the new supplement, Khazad-Dum, and that looks really good so maybe I will do some more.
I thought the Moria sequence from The Fellowship of the Ring was one of the most evocative sequences in the trilogy with Howard Shore's music reaching a crescendo of magnificence in the Dwarrowdelf sequence. A mad mixture for me of some of my favourite things: Viking armour, Piranesi Carceri D'Invenzione inspired interiors and rushing about in tunnels like A Journey to the Centre of the Earth.

I already have about 30 LotR goblins and a cave troll painted so it won't take much more to enable us to have a game.
I think I like dwarves so much as I listened to Wagner's Ring Cycle a lot when I was about 11! I loved the descent into Nibelheim with all those anvils bashing away!
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