Friday, October 12, 2007

Blog List: Hit Parade Top Ten

I now have 10 wargaming blogs on the go and set them up mainly so I had a way of posting pictures to answer queries on TMP along the lines of "how do Gripping Beast Vikings look next to Artizan" and also to get me to focus on my armies (you can see how well that has worked). I saw a free counter on someone else's site and put them on mine at the end of August. Much to my amazement other people out their have actually been looking at them, and this is without me putting "I have a new blog" postings on TMP (which I consider rather infra dignitatem). So, after six weeks of counting I thought I would assemble the 10 in order of views so far.

19th Century Sudan Armies has had an amazing 1132 views
Legatus Wargames Armies (this one) has had 534 views
Spartan WAB has had 387 views
Byzantine WAB has had 282 views
Cavegirls in Fur Bikinis has had 258 views (no doubt due to the pictures of Raquel Welch)
Punic War WAB has had 160 views
Dark Ages WAB has had 101 views
Return to Darkest Africa has had 81 views
Pulp Warriors has had 38 views
Swashbucklers has had 10 views (basically just me)
I will review this once in a while to see how things develop.
I took yesterday off, having just come back from Prague, as I had basically had enough after eight flights in ten days. As a result I got on very well with the next batches of Spartans, Early Saxons and a couple of others. I seem to have recovered my enthusiasm for painting (except for the Sudan, sadly) and hope to finish these figures at the weekend.


  1. ..I'm a big fan of your Sudan blog (we share an interest/wargame period), and also your main blog... so I guess I count for a number of visits to both... :o))

  2. Surely youo now need a WW1 blog and a Great Northern War blog?!

    I access all your blogs via the Byzantine one, which was the first I came across, so that gets a hit everytime I peruse the others, even thought it's "dormant" at the moment. I've noticed a fair few blogs out there link to the Sudan blog, which might help explain why it has so many more hits than the others (as well as being a popular period of course).
