I haven't posted much on here lately but that's not because I haven't been painting. In fact. I have been painting more than for several months. Currently, I am trying to clear space on the workbench by finishing off some of the 180 or so part painted figures I have on it. So far this approach is working, with four Napoleonic Dutch and 15 WW1 Germans being completed in the last week or so (on relevant other blogs). At present I am having a push on my late WW1 Highlanders and some plastic Napoleonics. None of these will be finished for weeks and that is the main problem; I don't have anything that is that close enough to completion that I can get them done quickly. Well, that's not quite true. I am just varnishing 3 Celtic slingers and a Back of Beyond female archaelogist but they aren't exactly mainstream. Never mind, it's cleared a bit more space!
I've also being trying to finish my first Games Workshop Battleboard tile and this is coming along well. It will definitely be done by the weekend.
Hopefully, I will have a bit more time on Saturday!
Part-finished figures are always a waragmers' worst problem. I'm sure I have some from 20 years ago still hanging around.
ReplyDeleteBut tell us more about the young lady on the right....