I notice from TMP that a new Wargames shop, Wargames Heaven, is opening in Brighton on 22nd August. http://www.wargamesheaven.co.uk/
On a good day (i.e. not on a sunny summer weekend day -very little chance of one of those at present) I can drive to Brighton in just over an hour. I used to go down there a lot with my mother who likes visiting the town but haven't been for ages. There were several reasons I was happy to go there. Firstly, there are some excellent second-hand bookshops there. Secondly there is an excellent (if rather expensive) militaria shop in The Lanes called The Lanes Armoury. http://www.thelanesarmoury.co.uk/ The third reason was a shop called The Gentle Gallery which was in Steyning, just the other side of the Downs. We would come back from Brighton via Steyning and she could have a cup of tea in one of the very good tea shops they have there and I could look at what was quite a big selection of historical and GW figures that, oddly, this art shop stocked. I always find that it is more enjoyable buying figures in person than on the internet! Sadly, The Gentle Gallery closed last year so I haven't made the trip to Brighton for some time. This will all change now, I suspect!
A couple of days ago my little boy said he wanted to go to Brighton to visit the Lego shop so I will try to get down there on Sunday 23rd! Looking at their website they seem to have a lot of Foundry pirates in stock and my daughter, who has occasionally played a game of Lord of the Rings with us, is currently very into pirates and is showing interest in Legends of the High Seas!
its very nice and interesting