2010 is going to be busy for me as I try to get my new company going soI will need my painting to de-stress me! In 2009 I painted 210 figures which, much to my surprise is actually four more than during 2008. So how did I do on my 2009 plan?
Well I still didn't finish the dreaded Gordon Highlanders but I did finish my second rub of sixty Beja and managed a game with them at the club. They are still a priority for 2010.
Well I still didn't finish the dreaded Gordon Highlanders but I did finish my second rub of sixty Beja and managed a game with them at the club. They are still a priority for 2010.
Great Northern War
I painted thirteen figures but my enthusiasm has dimmed beacuse of lack of output from Musketeer Miniatures. I know Bill has had a tough year but does he not realise that just by finishing the Russian command groups (they are promised "100%"for January. Right.) he will get a whole lot more orders? I love painting them so will do more.
I painted thirteen figures but my enthusiasm has dimmed beacuse of lack of output from Musketeer Miniatures. I know Bill has had a tough year but does he not realise that just by finishing the Russian command groups (they are promised "100%"for January. Right.) he will get a whole lot more orders? I love painting them so will do more.
Dark Ages
I painted nine: a mixture of Normans and Early Saxons. No immediate plans to do any more.
Punic War
I said I had no plans to do any but did 8 Balearic slingers and 6 Carthaginian veterans. They will be a fairly high priority for this year.
I said I had no plans to do any but did 8 Balearic slingers and 6 Carthaginian veterans. They will be a fairly high priority for this year.
Greeks and Spartans
I got none done this year but may still do the odd Spartan, as I have a few on the workbench.
The Great War
I got 30 early War Germans completed and this year will have a go at some British. I also need to finish the late war Highlanders and the tank I have started.
I got 30 early War Germans completed and this year will have a go at some British. I also need to finish the late war Highlanders and the tank I have started.
Zulu War
I finished one Zulu war Briton but am making good progress with a big batch of 24th foot and more Zulus. A priority for 2010.
I only managed four figures, two French and two Dutch. Maybe it's never going to happen!
I only managed four figures, two French and two Dutch. Maybe it's never going to happen!
Apart from these I did a few one-offs (Swashbuckler, Masai, Back of Beyond, Schleswig Dane) plus some periods where I painted a few (ECW, Ancient Germans, Celts and Louis XIV) but the biggest numbers were for Lord of the Rings (22) and Darkest Africa Belgians (48).
I have rearranged the workbench and at present my priorities for 2010 look like:
Zulu War, Sudan War, Darkest Africa (more Belgians and Masai), WW1 (late war Highlanders and early war British), Punic War, Schleswig Wars and Lord of the Rings. So far January is going well and I am up on my target. I am aiming not to travel so much this year and so hope to get more done.
Big distractions ahead look like the Mutineer Miniatures Indian mutiny figures and the fothcoming North Star Matabele Wars figures.
Apart from these I did a few one-offs (Swashbuckler, Masai, Back of Beyond, Schleswig Dane) plus some periods where I painted a few (ECW, Ancient Germans, Celts and Louis XIV) but the biggest numbers were for Lord of the Rings (22) and Darkest Africa Belgians (48).
I have rearranged the workbench and at present my priorities for 2010 look like:
Zulu War, Sudan War, Darkest Africa (more Belgians and Masai), WW1 (late war Highlanders and early war British), Punic War, Schleswig Wars and Lord of the Rings. So far January is going well and I am up on my target. I am aiming not to travel so much this year and so hope to get more done.
Big distractions ahead look like the Mutineer Miniatures Indian mutiny figures and the fothcoming North Star Matabele Wars figures.
That's a whole lot of periods! Phew! I'm going to stick to one period (ancients) but may wander around 3 or 4 different armies.