Well, yet again I have got distracted! Having come up with my master plan for the next month which involved finishing a group of Zulus and some more Force Publique I have been distracted by Mutineer Miniatures new (ish) Indian mutiny figures sculpted by Mark Owen.
I hadn't got any information on uniforms so didn't start the figures I bought at Colours (or was it Warfare?) but I picked up the Foundry book The British in India by john French and The Indian Mutiny by Saul David. The latest release by Mutineer announced on TMP got me to base the 12 figures I had got and over the last few days I have painted my normal test figure. Like all of Mike Owen's figures it was a delight to paint. So much so that I have now started work on three more and have undercoated the other eight. Worse than that, I ordered enough extra figures to form a TSATF unit of 20 of my first chosen unit: the 53rd foot. I found some TSATF Indian Mutiny rules on the net so now aim to get a unit of each done in the next month.
I have also just started the Saul David book and it looks like it will be as enjoyable as his one on the Zulu War (even though that was not well received by the likes of Ian Knight).
Anyway here is the first figure.

I also painted one of the new Perry plastic Wars of the Roses figures. Also very easy to paint in a way that their metals aren't.
The final figure I did for my daughter. It is the Games Workshop "invisible Frodo". Of course he isn't and my son pointed out that it would be much better to just use an empty base (as his Combat Hex game does). Oh well, I shall count it towards my total anyway!
I am also currently working my way through the director's cut of Troy, which is rather better than I remember from the cinema. Of course this has got me getting my Foundry Trojans out; especially as Newline Designs have just started a new Mycenean range. So much for selling them all on ebay!
That mutiny figure is excellent. They do look like nice figures, but the packs seem to be designed with skirmishing in mind, given the variety of poses.
ReplyDeleteI "painted" that Frodo figure too, a few years back. And it also was added to my monthly total :^).
Best wishes
Let's try again! Where did you find a Mutiny variant of TSATF? Do they do other variants? I ask because I have some of the Mike Owen Dixon/Dahomey figures (lovely figures to paint) and plan on using TSATF rules. If someone has done the leg work on the rules, so much the better!