Saturday, January 25, 2014

Paint Table Saturday

It's Sofie's Paint Table Saturday!  I can't believe that Saturday has come around again already.  For the first time in about nine months I got some painting done during the week so have added a trio of Foundry pirates to my batch for this weekend.  Guy's rowing has been cancelled, due to the still perilous nature of the river, so I actually have this morning to paint and the light is not too bad for once.

My main target is to progress, although not necessarily complete, seven figures for my In Her Majesty's Name Servants of Ra company.  The pirates and the Moriarty figure will also get some attention.  Aim: to finish one figure by the end of the day!


  1. Are the cultists going to be in natural wool robes or is that a basecoat?

    1. Everyone is doing them in red but I thought the pale cream was more Egyptian!

    2. I completely agree red was to garish for these beauties.

    3. Egyptian cotton eh, genius idea! Now if I can just find mine...

  2. I did mine in red (actually more pink-ish after some highlighting) but I think you'll find red is so Last Year.....

  3. Those look as though they'll be very nice when finished Legatus :)

  4. Those are some lovely miniatures that you are painting!
    Thanks for participating! I posted your link in my blog post.
    Greetings, Sofie

  5. Very interesting characters; looking forward to seeing more of them.

  6. I was getting on quite well today but had to spend hours deleting and reinstalling iTunes as yesterday's update stopped it working. they we got hit by a massive hailstorm and it got to dark to paint. Still, managed about three hours today!
