Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Project boxes

Here is a nifty idea I saw on (I think) one of The Hobbit wargaming Facebook pages.  I often lose things on my desk as it is so untidy. Recently I spent ages looking for the Golden Fleece and a part of a Lucid Eye Amazon figure.  Quite often loose shields disappear as well   In addition, as it is usually covered in figures, I sometimes knock figures off the desk onto the wooden floor, which has resulted in several disasters.

So having bunged off a quick order to Amazon I now have a lot of plastic freezer tubs in which I have put figures for individual projects: IHMN, Frostrave, 1864, Lost World, NW Frontier etc.  This means I can put the figures for individual periods I am working on in a box with shields and other bits.  This also keeps the figures dust free as well as safe from knocks.  I also put the paints I use most often in boxes by colour.  I am sure everyone else does this already but I feel very organised!


  1. I can certainly endorse this approach and do something similar myself, just wish I thought of freezer boxes instead of expensive 'really useful boxes'.

    1. I'm sure yours look more elegant! Maybe I could ask if Louis Vuitton could make some!

  2. With this level of organization, we expect to see great increases in productivity from your painting desk!

  3. I have started to do this not that long ago myself it works. I am a bit mystified as to why you would want to paint your mouse though...

  4. Replies
    1. They are just like the ones from the Chinese restaurant which used to be next door to my parents in laws' holiday home! I have been know to liberate some when I go down there!

  5. I've been doing this for a good while and it really works. It's also a good way to keep all of your detail bits sorted out and somewhat organized. I do look forward to seeing the racing stripes you're painting on your mouse - very posh.

  6. £stores are your best friend for boxes ;-)

    But you probably never visit those ghastly places....

    1. it's true. I have never been to a pound shop. They don't have them in Elmbridge!

  7. I was using those boxes but now I use small baking trays. Easy to pick up a project and do a bit of work on it.
